I wanted to thank you for writing this book. I AM has been the most profound, deeply moving, transforming self help book I have ever read and trust me I have read many. Your writing makes it all so clear and it comes together so smoothly. Your explanation of the ego was the best I have ever heard read or encountered!
I've read many books by authors like, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Luise Hay, Esther and Jerry Hick, Gregg Braden etc. all who talk about the same concepts, but he way you have written this book is amazing! It is is easy to understand and apply!
Every so often I come upon a book whose message is so powerful it causes a profound shift in my awareness, allowing me to remember who I AM. This is a course in the expansion of consciousness. Thank you!
Reading your book I AM is a life defining moment. I am forever changed for th better! This is as significant a work as the Bible for me. Outstanding work.
I just got this book yesterday and I think my family is going to need to send a search party out for me! This is my bliss! The value of this work I cannot describe in words. This book will bless many tremendously!
I just finished reading your book I AM. WOW! I have read over 400 books attempting to make sense of my life and your work finally zeroed in on the truth of what I have been looking for! I am sincerely blown away by what you have accomplished in this incredible work. I have never had a more clear understanding of myself. Thank you!!!
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